This Raksha Bandhan let’s protect the skin that protects us

Did you know that the largest organ in our body is the skin?
Yes, our skin acts as a powerful shield against external aggressors like pollution, dust, UV rays, and other harmful elements that try to damage our body. Over the past three years, Dr. Rashmi Shetty has noticed a 40% increase in patients experiencing allergies and skin sensitivity, with many cases directly linked to skin barrier damage. To combat this, she has introduced two pivotal concepts: Dawn & Dusk Care and Double Sunscreening.

Curious to learn more? Dive into this article to discover what compromises the skin barrier and how to protect it effectively

What does our skin protect us from?

1. Pathogens and Pollutants: Bacteria, viruses, and environmental pollutants pose a constant threat, requiring the skin to act as a frontline defence, neutralising and preventing their entry into the body. A study from The World Health Organization highlighted that air pollution levels have contributed to a 25% increase in skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Additionally, construction-related pollution in urban areas has been shown to weaken the skin barrier, making it more susceptible to damage and irritation.

2. Physical Trauma: The skin serves as a protective shield, recognising pain from pressure, impacts, and abrasions, and alerting us to potential dangers while also acting as a barrier and shock absorber.

3. Temperature and Humidity Fluctuations: By regulating body temperature and managing moisture levels, the skin helps maintain fluid balance, ensuring the body adapts to varying environmental conditions. A study conducted by the British Skin Foundation reported a 30% increase in skin allergies in the last five years, primarily due to compromised skin barriers caused by environmental factors and inappropriate skincare routines.

4. Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation: Harmful UV rays from the sun can penetrate the skin, leading to cellular damage and premature ageing. A study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology found that up to 80% of visible skin ageing in Indian populations is attributed to sun exposure. This includes wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, and hyperpigmentation, all of which are exacerbated by UV radiation. Dr. Rashmi has been a strict advocate of double sunscreen.

5. Chemical Exposure: Everyday contact with harsh chemicals—whether at work or home, such as paints, pesticides, aerosols, and cleaning products—can compromise the skin’s integrity, leading to irritation and potential damage.

What are the day-to-day external aggressors your skin is exposed to?

Your skin faces numerous stressors every day, even if you’re not battling viruses regularly. These external aggressors can lead to significant damage over time. Let’s explore some of the most common culprits:

Ultraviolet (UV) Light: UV rays are present every day, regardless of the season. While UVB rays are associated with sunburn and are more intense during the warmer months, UVA rays, which account for 95% of UV radiation, remain constant year-round. UVA penetrates clouds and glass, contributing to 85% of skin ageing and 90% of melanoma cases. This makes daily UV protection essential, even in the winter.

Harsh Weather: Whether it’s cold winds, intense sun, or saltwater exposure, extreme weather conditions put your skin under physical stress. These elements can damage your skin’s barrier, leading to dryness and irritation. Extra moisture and protection are necessary to maintain your skin’s health.

Heating and Air Conditioning: Indoor climate control systems, such as central heating and air conditioning, can dry out the air and strip moisture from your skin. The shift from indoor warmth to outdoor cold, or vice versa, can also cause capillaries to dilate, leading to redness and irritation. To combat this, Dr. Rashmi Shetty introduced the concept of Dawn and Dusk Skincare a few years ago. When you sleep in an artificially conditioned room, your skin can become dehydrated by morning. Applying cream masks or oils at dawn helps replenish moisture and restore your skin’s vitality.

Pollution: Prolonged exposure to pollutants can penetrate the skin, generating free radicals that damage skin cells and accelerate ageing. According to Dr. Rashmi Shetty, the construction work in the metros and constant pollution are linked to pigmentation, dark spots, wrinkles, and inflammatory conditions. Living in a polluted environment can also decrease skin moisture and increase oil production.

Stress: While internal stress isn’t an external aggressor, it’s worth noting that psychological stress can significantly impact your skin. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to excess oil production, breakouts, and exacerbate conditions like eczema and rosacea, making stress management a crucial aspect of skin care.

Howcan you strengthen your skin’s natural defence?

Protecting your skin’s barrier is essential for overall skin health. Here are practical tips to combat daily skin aggressors:
1. Establish a Consistent Skincare Routine: Develop a simple but regular skincare regimen that you can stick to. Commit to it for at least three months to see noticeable improvements. Consistency is key to protecting and enhancing your skin’s natural defences.

2. Daily Cleansing: Use a soap-free cleanser daily, especially if you live in an urban area or wear SPF. Cleansing at night removes any lingering particles, pollution, or makeup. Morning cleansing is optional; if you’ve washed before bed, a simple rinse with water is sufficient.

3. Hydration and Moisturisation: A healthy skin barrier relies on proper hydration. Start your day with an SPF moisturiser of at least SPF 30 and UVA 4* protection. This shields your skin from harmful UV rays. At night, use a moisturiser that aids in skin recovery and repair. Consider products with ingredients that neutralise pollution particles for added protection.

4. Wear SPF Daily: SPF is crucial for your skin’s long-term health, as UV rays are present every day, regardless of weather or season, and their effects accumulate over time. Dr. Rashmi Shetty recommends a technique called Double Sunscreening— applying first sunscreen which is a mix of physical and chemical components and then applying a second sunscreen which is 100% physical for enhanced protection. Also, the internal sunscreen comprises Ra supplements like Ra Bright, Ra Defence and Ra Vitamin C+

5. Be Mindful of Sensitive Skin: If your skin is struggling, choose foods thatreduce inflammation, such as leafy greens and other vegetables. Avoid foods that make you feel bloated, as they can lead to an inflamed gut and, subsequently, inflamed skin. Incorporate workouts, make lifestyle changes.

Additionally, not everything can be obtained from food, that’s where you need some supplements to fill that gap.

Ra Defence: Enriched with traditional ingredients like ginger, turmeric, piperine, milk thistle, and beta carotene, Ra Defence effectively reduces inflammation—the root cause of many skin and beauty issues.

Ra Bright: A potent blend of four powerful antioxidants, Ra Bright helps minimise free radical damage, brighten and lighten the skin, protect against sun damage, improve skin elasticity, and reduce wrinkles.
Ra Vitamin C+: This versatile supplement is suitable for all skin types. It fights free radicals, boosts immunity, stimulates collagen production, and reverses signs of ageing.

Skin Hydrate: Formulated with Collagen Peptide, Skin Hydrate restores skin elasticity, preserves moisture, and plumps the skin, reducing lines and wrinkles. It also enhances hydration, increases lipid content, and provides UV protection.

Ra PrimeRose: A unique combination of evening primrose oil, Vitamin E, and flaxseed oil, Ra PrimeRose addresses skin concerns related to hormonal imbalances.

Additionally, biogenerators such as peptides and prophyllo can also be injected to help repair and restore a damaged skin barrier.

Dr. Rashmi Shetty emphasises that true protection starts from within. Proper nutrition, a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, and adequate hydration are essential for maintaining skin health. To repair the skin barrier, it’s crucial to avoid excessive use of actives and harsh chemicals that can cause damage. Over-scrubbing, using the wrong exfoliants, or frequent bathing can also harm the barrier, so it’s important to approach skincare with gentle, mindful practices.

This Raksha Bandhan, let’s extend the bond of protection towards our skin and give it the love and care it needs. Doesn’t take much to be your own BAE? Isn’t it

Each article is written by Aastha Kottary after detailed discussions and notes from Dr. Shetty

Dr. Rashmi Shetty
Cosmetic Dermatologist,
Mumbai | Hyderabad

Dr. Rashmi Shetty is a celebrity dermatologist, industry pioneer, author , globally invited teaching faculty and a leading expert in aesthetic medicine having over 20 years of experience in aesthetic and clinical dermatology. She is the Founder and chief dermatologist at Ra Skin and Aesthetics in Mumbai and Hyderabad. She is named the best Dermatologist by Vogue 2020 and is the first Indian doctor on the International Advisory board of the Anti-Ageing World Congress, FACE London, ICAD Asia, and honorary faculty at UCL .

 For more such tips and information from Dr Rashmi Shetty, follow her on drrashmishettyra/ Rashmi-Shetty-297

You can also call on 09833055236 to book an appointment

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