FAQ – Hair

All your Hair related Questions answered! We have put together a series of FAQs-Hair which are commonly asked. If you have a query which you cannot find the answer of, please write to us at info@drrashmishetty.com

Washing your hair every day is perfectly alright. It is actually the best thing to do for your hair, skin and body. You have lots of shampoos according to your hair and scalp type and most shampoos are safe to be used every day.

Ra Anagen is a Supplement with amino acids and micro nutrients for the hair health and wellbeing of the hair but if you have an obvious thinning maybe there is an underlying cause like a severe iron deficiency or some other hormonal issues. You need to meet your doctor. Ra Anagen is just a supplement which adds to good health but cannot treat a problem.

Hello, if you have had hair-fall for the last 5 years then it is high time that you really speak to a doctor and get a few investigations done to see if your hormones, blood level of micronutrients are all in place. It is only then you will actually get to the bottom of your problem and your doctor will be able to suggest an appropriate treatment.

You could try our RA anagen by SolSkin Corp which is a fantastic combination of amino acids and other essential nutrients for hair. You could then take Ra Skin Bright along with it which is an antioxidant. To know more about the supplements, you can follow @solskincorp and you can order them from www.solskincorp.com.

Thermolysis can also be tried but it works on individual hair. We don’t know which equipment was used for your Laser hair removal procedure but the latest equipment is absolutely painless and also it is important to note that 3 sittings of the procedure is not going to give you results. You need to have 8 to 10 sittings at least and especially when you say you have PCOS. You may need minimum 8 sittings before you can comment on if something has worked for you or not.

It may just be a dry scalp so it is best to meet a physician.

In order to differentiate between dryness and dandruff, you need to visit an expert who can examine your scalp and let you know the same. This is because if you apply oil and massage on a dandruff scalp with dandruff that will worsen the condition. Similarly, if you use an anti-dandruff lotion on a dry scalp that might worsen the condition. So, it is extremely important for an expert to take a look at and if you do have hair-fall along with please make sure your nutrition is taken care of as well and maybe you need a blood test to figure out any special deficiency.

Diode laser is much more effective than the Q switch laser. It also depends on your skin type. For example if you have fair skin with thick dark hair then Diode will be a better bet for you to do. When you do a whole body make sure you don’t do areas of your body which have scanty, thin and fine hair. They don’t usually work and you might get what is called rebound hair which becomes worse than what it is.

Yes, this may have to be done on a periodic basis. However, let’s see what the cause of your hair fall is and then maybe we could treat it in a way that you would get a long-term result. Write to team at info@drrashmishetty.com.

Yes! Otherwise how will the transplant happen? We have to extract from one side and then put to the other side.

If you have PCOS and hair fall, then I would like to see your blood report to see which hormone is not in the right range and probably fixing that appropriately will help you hugely. That’s what I would do, before, jumping to PRP. Start with a multivitamin like Ra Anagen (2 at night) and also see if your nutrition is at the right level. Simply a Vitamin D, B12 or your iron not in the right level can also lead to hair fall. Dr. Rashmi Shetty

PRP is different from ProGenitor. ProGenitor is a single Sitting Treatment and is available in our Mumbai and Hyderabad clinics.

The number of laser treatment sessions required really depends on the kind of hair growth you have, the colour of the hair itself whether it’s dark or it’s light, the colour of the skin underneath it, if there is any hormonal imbalance, etc. On an average 8 to 12 sessions are needed. However darker hair, thicker hair and lighter skin with no hormonal imbalance requires a lesser number of sittings. I had done my laser hair reduction treatment when I started practising in 2001 and mine haven’t come back yet. – Dr. Rashmi Shetty.

There are few lotions and tablets in the market but not that anyone would really work. So I would say there is not much we can do in stopping your greying. Best is that you colour your hair if it really bothers you.

Yes, they can but strictly under doctor’s guidance. It depends on why you are taking finasteride.

It depends. If you have had a loss of hair in the beard region then we can help it regrow. But if you haven’t had much hair right from the beginning then it is a difficult task.

o, it is not. It is very treatable.